Maladerm-Plus is an extension of Maladerm Shampoo. It has antibacterial and antifungal agents with coat conditioners PLUS
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-oxidative (Vitamin E penetrate through skin to the living cells)
- Immunomodulatory effect (Restricting excessive epidermal and subdermal inflammatory cells actions)
It is formulated to help with SEVERE DERMATITIS caused by dandruff, ringworms, yeast, and other bacterial infections
- faster healing of pet’s inflammatory open wound, itch and discomfort
- moisturizer and conditioner prevents dry skin, dry hair, skin cracking and promotes healing faster
- Also cleans and degreases the coat. Natural occuring fragrance of moisturizer and conditioner eliminates foul body odor and mental depression due to chronic skin infections. Improved pet’s temperament and disposition has been observed immediately after initial treatment.
- Treats ringworm and other yeast and bacterial infections
- Added Neem to provide additional antifungal and antibacterial action as well repel ticks and fleas
- For dogs, cats and horse
Fungicidal, Bactericidal, Neem, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Multi herbs extract: Centella Asiatica, Polygonum Cospidatum, Scutellaria Biacalensis, Camelia Sinensis, Licorice, Matricaria, Rosemary.